Nature Culture

The Film

Mike McKinlay and I collaborated to produce RETURNING, a film about reconnecting to naturethat premiered to an overflow crowd in 2019 and aired on British Columbia’s Knowledge Network. You can watch the film here or at my Nature Culture Website. 

The Vancouver International Bird Festival

Held in 2018 in conjunction with the prestigious International Bird Festival, the Vancouver International Bird Festival chaired by Rob took Nature Culture to an international audience of bird enthusiasts. The event aimed to use the fascination of birds to invite the people of Vancouver to adopt nature into their culture. The festival opened with a parade of birds, a musical fanfare, aerial performances, and greeting ceremonies from indigenous people. The festival catered to over 30,000 people around the city culminating in a bird expo with exhibitors, international and local speakers, award winning poets, famous authors, coin collectors, opera costumes, family events, bird costumes and much more. Artists for Conservation combined forces with us to present their annual show. A key highlight was a 30-meter long mural of 678 endangered birds painted by artists from around the world. Quirky and fun events included hipster birding, yoga and birds, film festival and premiere, and field trips.

The Nature Culture Website

To learn more visit the Nature Culture Website.