Logo Use Guidelines

The Nature Culture logo is a symbol of the fun of cultural activities stemming from nature. If you would like to use the Nature Culture logo in related events, please do so but remember that the name and logo are trademarked. You may use the logo for personal use but please provide credit. Add a statement such as the Nature Culture logo is a registered trademark used with permission. Please use the logo in a positive way and include the TM on the logo. The word Nature Culture, when used in digital content, should link to robbutler.ca. Please do not alter the logo or use it for anything for sale or on a commercial website. Also, please do not use the logo for any causes or where it implies a partnership. If you wish to use the logo, you will need to ensure that the activities are carried out in accordance with the applicable laws including appropriate insurance. We do not assume any responsibility for the activities or any action that may be brought against Nature Culture or its officials as a result of the use of the logo